Ballet’s Problem Is That It’s Becoming A Sport

Alice Robb: “Despite its physical similarities to gymnastics, ice-skating and ballroom dance, most ballet dancers would bristle at the suggestion that it’s a sport – and yet, many ballet teachers and directors have embraced Olympic-style competitions in which aspiring dancers compete for gold, silver and bronze medals, scholarships, contracts and even cash.”

Can Twitter Save TV?

“TV has always been social and conversation-driven. It’s just that in the past, the reach of that conversation was limited by the number of people in a room or who you could talk to on the phone or the next day at the watercooler. Broadcasters have come to understand that Twitter is a force multiplier for the media they’ve created.”

Is France Becoming Too American?

“The French are now carb-conscious, and kale, which they once dismissed as the ‘curly headless cabbage,’ might find a place at the table. Meanwhile many Americans seem determined to emulate all things French. Are the French losing their je ne sais quoi?” Four observers discuss the question in a New York Times Room for Debate.