Broadway Tickets In The Wild Wild West

“After years of complaining about scalpers, the theaters’ introduction of the premium ticket in 2001 meant that Broadway had decided, in a sense, to join them. And this year the League of American Theaters and Producers chose not to fight state legislation repealing longstanding price caps in the ticket-resale market, showing that Broadway had decided they couldn’t beat them either. Now, less than six months after Albany passed the law, StubHub, where you can buy and sell Broadway tickets at any price, has set up shop — literally — right down the street.”

What To Expect From The African-American Museum?

“An African-American museum on this scale — cost estimates range from $300 million to $500 million — is beyond hyphenation. Though it will of course tell the history of slavery, its perversions and its legacy, along with the much-hyphenated explorations of identity and culture that ensued, the museum’s tale of interactions may be more profound than any other hyphenated account. American history and black American history cannot be split apart.”

A Hollywood Strike Sure To Be Lose Lose

“In case you’ve ignored the sounds of rising panic rippling over Hollywood lately: The networks and studios have been negotiating a new contract with the union representing TV and film writers, and . . . let’s just say it’s not going well. If it happens, a strike could wind up being even more damaging than the infamous 1988 writers’ walkout, which academics and other observers have generally characterized as a lose-lose.”