Norman Foster Talks About His Approach To Architecture

“Architecture is an expression of values – the way we build is a reflection of the way we live. This is why vernacular traditions and the historical layers of a city are so fascinating, as every era produces its own vocabulary. Sometimes we have to explore the past to find inspiration for the future. At its most noble, architecture is the embodiment of our civic values.”

Edward Villella Gives Ice Dancing A Spin

No, not as a skater. (Our Eddie is 78, after all.) Dick Button – no doubt with an assist from Villella’s wife, once a champion skater herself – convinced him to try choreographing serious ice ballets. (And by the way, Villella says, “I will never work for a board again and I will never raise money again. It’s a beautiful freedom.”)

Could Atlanta Lose Its Orchestra?

“Could we lose the orchestra altogether, as happened in Miami and Honolulu in recent years? Of course we could. These things always seem impossible until they happen. There is a cascading effect flowing from the lockout. We are losing subscribers. Donors are angry. The crisis feeds on itself.”

Shakespeare And Co. Artistic Director Ousted

“Roughly a month after Shakespeare & Company’s new executive director and president, Rick Dildine, arrived at his job at the helm of the venerable Berkshires company from a similar job at the helm of Shakespeare Festival St. Louis, he announced the departure of artistic director Tony Simotes, effective on Nov. 10, several months before the end of Simotes’ contract.”