How Strictly Should A Playwright’s Estate Police Productions? The Case Of Arthur Miller’s Heirs

“Plays exist on stage, in the present moment – so should the heirs of major dramatists promote timewarp productions or embrace experiment? What would Arthur do? At the centenary of Miller’s birth (he died in 2005), it seems timely to explore how literary estates meet the challenge of saving plays from history.”

Do Videogames Help Keep The Modern Symphony Alive?

“Having begun its first season three years ago, the videogame oriented content continues to make waves among the more, erm, ‘reserved’ concertgoer crowd. While many programmers and conductors appear to roll their eyes at such a debasement of their art, they still gladly take the money that’s off-setting the orchestra’s annual 2.8% decline in sales. “

Technology And The Museum Of The Future

“The forces rocking the technology world—cheaper screens, miniaturized mechanics and increased computing power—are prompting a rich period of experimentation in exhibit design. For museums, such advancements could attract diverse visitors, lure young people and change the way audiences learn about art, science and nature.”

We Are All Paparazzi Now

“Little more than a decade ago, stars like Paris Hilton would ‘inadvertently’ leak their plans to the paparazzi — part of the wink-wink symbiotic relationship that fueled their tabloid fame. But what once took an army of clamoring paparazzi can now be tweeted, Instagrammed, Snapchatted, and Vined.”