Cleveland Orchestra’s Retiring CEO Looks Back

“Indeed, on the eve of his retirement Nov. 30, longtime executive director Gary Hanson likens his departure to jumping off a moving train. For all their enormous impact, he says, his accomplishments weren’t his alone. Neither will the organization fall apart without him. … ‘I’m proud to have had a role,’ [he says]. ‘But I didn’t start it, and no one’s ever going to finish it.'”

A Building You Want To Fondle: Burntwood School Wins Stirling Prize

“It’s not very often you want to rush up and stroke a school, but it’s hard to resist fondling the sharply chamfered concrete facade of Burntwood school in south London, winner of this year’s Riba Stirling prize for the UK’s best building. A 1950s timewarp in the best possible sense, the £41m comprehensive girls’ school recalls the values of another, more generous era.”

Playboy’s Abandonment of Nudity Was A Historical Necessity

“The disappearance of nudity from Playboy says more about the persistence of ticklish attitudes about nudity than it does about Playboy. Insofar as Hugh Hefner was somewhat correct to view himself as an agent of sexual liberation, this development resembles a kind of planned obsolescence. The Playboy nude was a stage to be passed through, like puberty or, in Marx’s theory of history, capitalism.”