Inside Thom Mayne’s Federal Building

“One reason the complex [in San Francisco] has attracted so much attention is that it embraces two architectural values that often are at odds: sustainability and pure aesthetics. Mayne boasts of how the tower should consume just one-third the energy of a typical California office building, saving enough electricity to power 600 homes per year. But the perforated steel panels that are supposed to filter the sun and glare don’t hang straight against the slab. They careen up and over the tower: ‘I’m interested in skin as a sculptural idea’.”

Generational Changes At MoMA

“The large number of recent, relatively young hires at the Museum of Modern Art, including four new chief curators in the last two years, and the looming retirement of three major curators — chief curator for paintings and sculpture John Elderfield, chief curator-at-large Kynaston McShine, and deputy director (and director of P.S. 1) Alanna Heiss — suggest that the museum is in the midst of a significant directional and generational shift.”

TV Writers, Producers Clash Over Residuals

“Residual fees are at the center of labor talks underway between the Hollywood studios and the union that represents movie and TV writers. The major studios want to revamp the decades-old system, citing soaring production costs and fragmented audiences amid today’s digital revolution. But the writers say these payments help them weather Hollywood’s feast-and-famine work cycles.”

Can You Choose A Classical Music Star On TV?

BBC Two is airing an “ambitious five-part series in which the punky cellist Matthew Barley puts 18 teenage musicians through their paces, after which a panel of classical experts either votes them through to the next round or consigns them to musical history. The result, it is hoped, is that the one who survives the final cut will be the proverbial ‘complete package’ – a superstar-in-the-making who can survive the commercial market while also managing to ‘broaden the appeal of classical music’. Classical Idol this definitely isn’t, however.”