The Jewel of Medina Just Isn’t That Incendiary

Carlin Romano: “Its departures from solid historical facts… lie within the normal ambit of historical fiction. Its sympathies tilt completely toward Muhammad and Aisha. Controversial aspects – Aisha’s possible flirtatiousness and fibbing, her jealousy, her sharp tongue… all stem from Islamic history itself. Only a Muslim who rejected Muhammad’s lifelong insistence that he was a man like other men could find The Jewel of Medina objectionable or anti-Islam.”

Wiki-ing Truth-In-Media

“But what if there were a device that objectively flagged questionable elements in online news articles, poking and parsing words and phrases, and letting you contribute your own critiques? Well, a Seattle company called SpinSpotter has produced a piece of software – a free download that works within a Web browser – that tries to do just that.”

English Architecture Was Multi-Culti Before Multi-Culti Was Cool

“Nowadays, a Norman Foster building in Hong Kong looks just like a Norman Foster building in Canary Wharf – neither British nor Chinese, just nationless steel and glass in both places. […] We were much more open to influences from abroad two centuries ago, taking styles from all round the world and modifying them to suit our cool home climate.”

Bush On Broadway

Comedian Will Ferrell, known among other things for his signature portrayals of President Bush on Saturday Night Live, will take his mimicry to Broadway next year with a one-man show entitled, “You’re Welcome America. A Final Night With George W Bush.”