The Need For Critics In The Internet Age

“Perhaps it is the civic responsibility of the millennial age, one that so eagerly devours electronically its personal content (and that of “friends”) to assure that arts reporting and arts criticism remain central to broad-based media consumption. That responsibility extends to upholding standards, even if they are defined in new terms, lest the biggest loss be the pursuit of truth and an understanding of what has come before and the continuum on which we ride.”

Woodruff Arts Center Hits Back At Atlanta Symphony Musicians Over Pace Of Mediation

Responding to the players’ complaints that Woodruff’s negotiators have been wasting time because they had neither a ready proposal nor authority from the board to reach an agreement, the Woodruff team’s leader said, “In the words of the mediators, it was time to put some of the shared ideas ‘on paper’. This was precisely what [the musicians] had asked us to do – make new proposals to show our good faith.”

Well, Of Course My Adaptation Of “The Cherry Orchard” Isn’t Accurate – That Would Be Impossible

Simon Stephens, who worked from a literal translation by a professor: “It seems especially odd to suggest that a play text, out of any literary form, should be carved out of an attempt to accurately translate the original language of an author writing a century ago. … The nature of translation means that to think otherwise is folly. The nature of theatre means that to aspire to do so is slightly perverse.”

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