Arthur Miller Estate Cracks Down On Rogue Sydney Production Of Death Of A Salesman

“Sydney’s Belvoir theatre company has been forced to reinstate the final scene of Arthur Miller’s famed Death of a Salesman after an anonymous tip-off to the US agent that handles the rights about changes made to the local production.” The director cut the script’s concluding “Requiem” and changed Willy Loman’s death from an auto collision to a suicide.

The Fundamental Problem With US Orchestral Musicians’ Pay Demands

“The first reality is this: However much it takes to become a top-flight classical musician, the performer can expect to earn only what the market is able and willing to pay. … Today, far more ‘people with money’ are inspired to give to charities meeting human needs than are willing to pay top-flight classical music performers year after year. … [U]nless and until society at large assigns higher value to the extraordinary work of classical music performers, musicians cannot expect to be paid what they deserve.”