The Largest Private-Sector Museum in Germany

Attorney-businessman-collector Harald Falckenberg has opened a “stunning” new museum in Hamburg to showcase his collection of contemporary art. “A fascination with the grotesque runs throughout the collection, lending it a no-holds-barred irreverence that might be difficult to represent at public expense. ‘I’m not interested in reaching a broad public,’ he said, ‘and I have no official mandate. Instead, I can offer alternatives.'”

Operatic Splendor Returns As Productions Go Traditional

“Not so long ago, making a fanfare about big frocks and fancy sets in opera was the preserve of that crowd-pleasing impresario Raymond Gubbay. Heaven forbid that you uttered the words ‘authentic’ or ‘spectacular’ inside a ‘serious’ opera house.” But times have changed. “Ironically, going traditional has become the new radical – a shortcut to standing out from the concept crowd.”

Southern Illinois To Get Major Art Gift

“New Yorkers Herbert and Dorothy Vogel… working with the National Gallery of Art in Washington and federal arts agencies, chose the University Museum at Southern Illinois University to receive 50 pieces [of the Vogel collection.] The gift is part of a plan announced in April to donate 50 works from the Vogels to one art institution in each state. Ten recipients were named then, and announcements about the remaining 40 are expected this week.”

Kundera Accused Of Helping Communists

“Life appears to be imitating art in a drama convulsing the Czech Republic: an accusation that Milan Kundera, one of Eastern Europe’s most celebrated writers, denounced a Western intelligence agent to Czechoslovakia’s Communist police when he was a 21-year-old student. The agent, Miroslav Dvoracek, served 14 years in jail, including hard labor in a uranium mine.”

Trove of Ancient Manuscripts To Go Digital

“For centuries scholars from around the world have flocked to the Stiftsbibliothek — literally, the abbey library — in [St. Gallen, Switzerland,] to pore over its vast collection of manuscripts, many written and illustrated before the year 1000.” Now, a grant from the Mellon Foundation will allow the library’s holdings to be scanned and made available online.

Frozen Frieze

“Art is selling at this week’s Frieze Art Fair, but nothing like before. After several weeks of financial havoc in stock exchanges across the globe, the feeding frenzy is over… More pervasive was a grim sense that a shake-out of world markets was just beginning, and in the end art would probably be the least of anyone’s worries.”