John Adams Says He’s Been ‘Blacklisted’

“Interviewed on BBC Radio 3’s Music Matters yesterday, [the composer] said he was now ‘blacklisted’. ‘I can’t check in at the airport now without my ID being taken and being grilled. You know, I’m on a homeland security list, probably because of having written The Death of Klinghoffer, so I’m perfectly aware that I, like many artists and many thoughtful people in the country, am being followed.'”

Miami’s Carnival Arsht Center Gets It Together

“After a budget-busting inaugural year marked by financial crises, empty seats and community outrage, the publicly owned Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts has closed out a second year that stands in stark contrast to the first. The budget is balanced, attendance has nearly doubled and elected officials no longer dress down leaders of the center in public meetings.”

The Comédie-Française, Colonialist In The Suburbs?

“France’s most venerable establishment theatre, the 328-year-old Comédie-Française, has become embroiled in a row with a cutting-edge drama company over the place of high art in Paris’s rough suburbs.” With the backing of the Ministry of Culture, the Comédie-Française decided that a smaller theatre company, MC 93, “was to become its entry point into the suburbs” — a move MC 93 views as a hostile takeover.

In China, A Pearl Buck Museum — And Tourism Industry

“In Zhenjiang, where [Pearl] Buck spent much of her first 18 years, the Chinese are working hard to create a viable, profitable tourist industry based on interest in the writer. They are renovating houses and places tied to her to lure visitors from Europe, the United States and Asia. Today, officials here dedicated a grand new Pearl Buck Museum.”

The Joy Of Sex, Minus Frigidity This Time

“What was the most influential book of the 20th century? Perhaps you’d vote for ‘Relativity,’ by Albert Einstein. But for my money,” Pagan Kennedy writes, “the book that blew the lid off the century could only be ‘The Joy of Sex.'” British sexpert Susan Quilliam talks to Kennedy about her unusual commission: updating the 1972 manual for a 2009 edition.