How I’d Reinvent The National Theatre

“Television and film have made realist theatre unpalatable: it’s difficult to sit in the same space as a group of actors, suspending your disbelief, when you’re used to being in thrall to the TV screen. One way round that would be to get rid of the TV news – and instead have Shakespearean actors perform a daily news update at the National, acting out world events in real time. That would be a chance to return to the empathetic, cathartic traditions of Greek tragedy: rather than watching the news as if it was an objective description of an event occurring beyond our personal reach, we’d have a true physiological response.”

Keeping Miami’s Answer To Lincoln Center Running

Following a very bumpy first year, “the $473 million Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts center just completed its seventh season and finished the fiscal year with its sixth consecutive balanced budget.” The Arsht’s CEO, M. John Richard, talks about programming, fundraising, operations, and adapting to the long-anticipated redevelopment of the neighborhood.