Rich People Want Us To Work For Free: “Internship” Has Gone Too Far

“I recently got asked by an administrator at the Library of Congress to do unpaid labor for its website. … I was dumbfounded to get hit up by a federal agency with an annual budget of $750 million. Yet clearly my experience was not a random event.” Gioia proposes “five simple rules of etiquette for this ugly new beggar-thy-neighbor economy:”

Information Is Power (How We Go To War?)

“Global information warfare is not virtual. It is mostly latent; that is, it is in the world but not experienced as part of the world. It is a war without shadows. You cannot see it, and you cannot hear it; it happens silently every day, can hit anyone anywhere, and we can all be its unsuspecting victims.”

Can An Art Biennial Fix New Orleans?

“Conceived in 2006, one year after Hurricane Katrina, the biennial was created with lofty goals. Billed as a kind of saviour of the struggling city, it was founded by the curator Dan Cameron “on the principle that the art of our time can play a significant role in the revitalisation of an important US city”, according to an early mission statement.”

Why Has Innovation Become A Religion?

“I’ve decided that the champions of innovation-speak are as confused by the subject as anyone. To them, technology is a thing with a life of its own. And it can evidently only be understood via the ministrations of a class of reverent spiritual adepts, duly catechized in treating its essence as holy and its creators as demigods. And so their tales are ultimately as simple, as explicit in their lessons, as a sacred text.”