Stanley Kubrick’s Childhood Friend – And Favorite Movie Composer – Never Got Paid For Their First Film

Kubrick never paid Gerald Fried (or apparently many others) for their first film. “He thought the very fact that my doing the music to his early movies got me into the profession was enough payment. We had an agreement – not in writing – [that] we would work for nothing but, as soon as the movie got sold, he would pay us. Well, he didn’t.”

What’s It Like To Be A Ukranian Ballerina In Putin’s Russia? [VIDEO]

Svetlana Zakharova has devoted her life to ballet since she was a child, and as an adult, she’s been one of the Russian president’s favorite dancers. She’s also been a member of the culture ministry in Russia, and she’s one of Vladimir Putin’s favorite dancers. When asked about Putin, she says, “The most important thing for me is that everyone, not only the Russian president, but all the world leaders talk to each other and avoid war. … But I’m not the person to answer this question. I live in my own closed world.”

The Music That Has Launched A Thousand, Or More Like A Hundred Thousand, Memes

How does the station Bravo keep people addicted to its reality TV shows? A composer says that he and others make the station sound like candy: “midcentury spy film vibraphones. Tchaikovskian pizzicato — that is, finger-plucked — violin strings. The melodious wooden tock-tock-tock of a struck marimba. Egg shakers. Cymbals which, when struck in succession, vibrate with an ephemeral sound halfway between a wish and a sparkle.”

Telling The Story Of A Kingdom Through Textiles

In the Kuba Kingdom of the 17th and 18th centuries, before European colonialism, “royal ceremonies and parties sometimes had the feel of a runway showdown, with elites competing to see whose patterns were most unique and impressive. … Designs needed to scream and to be heard from a distance. They were engineered to capture the eye and not allow it to rest. “