The Sad Decline Of Wikipedia

“The volunteer workforce that built the project’s flagship, the English-language Wikipedia–and must defend it against vandalism, hoaxes, and manipulation–has shrunk by more than a third since 2007 and is still shrinking. Those participants left seem incapable of fixing the flaws that keep Wikipedia from becoming a high-quality encyclopedia by any standard, including the project’s own.”

Ahhh. So That’s Why We Like Banksy

“I suddenly got what the reaction to Banksy is about: It’s being part of the reaction to a Banksy. It’s a multiplying communal occasion, friendly, a way to talk to strangers and share a piece of New York. It’s anti-Establishment, anti-capitalist, and anti-art-world enough to add a frisson of libertarian rebellion and take-it-to-the-street cred.”

Why Judy Blume, Jules Feiffer, Maya Angelou Et Al. Needn’t Fret About Education Reform

“This morning, over 120 children’s book authors and illustrators sent a letter to President Barack Obama expressing concern for ‘our readers,’ a.k.a. tots through tweens. The undersigned… say they fear the preponderance of testing in American schools keeps children from learning to love to read.” Nora Caplan-Bricker looks at what the letter got right and wrong.