Recriminations Keep Flying In Madison

The musicians’ strike at the Madison-based Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra is only getting uglier. “In a volley of press releases, management has blamed musicians for not promising to head back on stage later this month, even though they’ve won numerous concessions over eight months of talks; musicians accuse management of denying them rights that are standard among orchestras across the country.”

Giving People Space To Convert Ideas To Inspiration

The IdeaFestival, which has been around since 2000, “brings together creative thinkers from different disciplines to connect ideas in science, the arts, design, business, film, technology and education… Whether it is a festival, a concert, a speech, a convention or a book, creative thinkers say, you have to actively look for inspiration, and that takes time.”

Michigan Opera Theatre Cancels Spring Show

“Reacting to economic pressures and fallen ticket sales, Michigan Opera Theatre on Wednesday canceled its scheduled spring production of Leoncavallo’s Pagliacci and announced staff layoffs and other budget cuts. David DiChiera, MOT’s founding general director, said it was the first time in the company’s 38-year history that it had canceled an entire production. He said dropping Pagliacci would save $400,000 to $500,000.”