‘Soup’ Is An Anagram Of ‘Opus’: Thoughts On Warhol’s Campbell’s Paintings

“4. What do they look like? They aren’t pictures of anything really. They’re certainly not paintings of actual soup cans. Nor are they really paintings of the label. He worked not from actual cans with actual labels, but from promotional materials that Campbell’s sent out. In other words, these aren’t so much pictures of either cans or labels, as they are reproductions or copies of commercial graphics, blending design and text. What kind of objects are these? These soups/works kick up this question like so much dust.”

Yes, Teenagers Still Need Libraries

“Libraries are one of the few places people can still go to ask questions face-to-face about anything from Shakespeare and atoms to how to get help with everything from house issues to mental health. The most vulnerable members of our society need spaces where information is available from people rather than just being ‘out there’ on the internet. Not everyone has a computer or knows how to find what they need. Not everyone has books at home or a well-stocked school library.”