How Did The Cloud Atlas Filmmakers Come Up With The Music For That Sextet?

“The book’s title is a reference to the Cloud Atlas Sextet, written by a fictional, young 1930s composer named Robert Frobisher, the protagonist of one of six loosely connected narratives that make up the novel.” In the book, author David Mitchell describes the piece in some detail – but director Tom Tykwer (himself a msuician) and his colleagues couldn’t both follow the description and make the music “satisfying for the film.”

The Future Is Here, But We Have No Idea How To Make It Work

“No one publishes a city, they publish a magazine or a book or a news site. If we’ve thought about our readers reading, we’ve imagined them at the breakfast table or curled up on the couch … or in office cubicles running out the clock. No one knows how to create words and pictures that are meant to be consumed out there in the world. This is not a small problem.”

US Supreme Court To Hear Copyright “First Sale” Case

“The case tests the so-called “first sale” doctrine, which generally allows the purchaser of copyrighted works to re-sell or use the work without the copyright holder’s permission. That’s why used bookstores, libraries, GameStop, video rental stores and even eBay are all legal. But how the doctrine applies to foreign-purchased works — the so-called gray market — has been a matter of considerable debate.”