Charleston Symphony Musicians Vote To Leave Musicians Union

“I think it’s a real demonstration of the trust that the musicians have in the organization. I think it’s also a real positive from the standpoint of their understanding that to be successful as an orchestra in the future, orchestras need more flexibility, they need to be nimble, and the fact is, unions sometimes get in the way of that.”

NY City Opera – It Battled Bravely From The Start

“It had been a star-crossed organization for years, beset by strikes, warehouse fires, financial woes and the devastation of the early years of AIDS. Beverly Sills–the company’s biggest star, its long-time general manager and most effective fundraiser–estimated that the troupe lost more than 100 people to AIDS in the space of a decade: directors, conductors, singers, and others at the peak of their youth and sexual urgency, cut down by a mysterious new malady.”