The Complex Reasons We Comply With Authority (Stanley Milgram is Back)

“The controversial psychologist, whose famous 1960s experiments concluded that most people will obey unethical orders, is the subject of a critically acclaimed new movie. … Not surprisingly, Milgram’s name is prominently mentioned in a recent study that takes a new look at an old question: What does it take to get us to comply with instructions, even when we know doing so could harm others?
The study’s conclusion: A gentle nudge will generally do it.”

Why Video-Game Culture Is Stuck Between Leftism And Libertarians

“There’s a hypocrisy of claiming to do both, creating meaningful work worthy of the protection of free speech, ignoring the fact that there are very few efforts working to push discourse on any subject in a direction that would be uncomfortable … That’s when you know you’re saying something that matters, when people start getting bothered by it. … You don’t see furniture-makers talk about how they need free speech to protect the integrity of their appliances.”

Jazz Vocalist Mark Murphy, 83

“Celebrated for his interpretations of songs by Cole Porter, Antônio Carlos Jobim and other great songwriters, … he ranged from bebop to ballads, torch songs to scat singing, from vocalizing Kerouac’s poetry to experimenting with rhythms inspired by the whistle that summoned his neighbors in upstate New York to the local wool mill.”

Hobby Lobby’s “Christian Values” Owners Investigated For Theft Of Ancient Iraqi Artifacts

“The tablets were described on their FedEx shipping label as samples of “hand-crafted clay tiles.” This description may have been technically accurate, but the monetary value assigned to them—around $300, we’re told—vastly underestimates their true worth, and, just as important, obscures their identification as the cultural heritage of Iraq.”

Confessions Of A White Writer Who Used A Latino Pen Name

“I’ve been struggling with ‘coming out’ for a long time. I didn’t know how. I considered quietly disappearing, which is easier to do online than it is in real life. But disappearing isn’t owning up to what I’ve done, and this issue is bigger than I am. A friend suggested that I do the opposite of disappear – make a public statement. Here’s my best attempt.”