Science Shows How We Should Teach Reading. But We’re Not. Why?

What have scientists figured out? First of all, while learning to talk is a natural process that occurs when children are surrounded by spoken language, learning to read is not. To become readers, kids need to learn how the words they know how to say connect to print on the page. They need explicit, systematic phonics instruction. There are hundreds of studies that back this up. But talk to teachers and many will tell you they learned something different about how children learn to read in their teacher preparation programs.

Let’s Really Talk About The History Of Blackface And Entertainment In The United States

Even light-skinned African Americans were asked to “cork up” for roles in the 19th century (and on into early movies), because the history of minstrelsy, in which white men clowned in blackface as their interpretation of Southern Blacks, established what “Black” meant in the U.S. But it’s unsettling to watch this history in 2018.

‘Chat-Fiction’ Goes Longform With A Science Fiction Story Told In Bits On Snapchat

Nothing is completely new, but this is a blend of media and writing that might change the genre: “The multimedia series … blends the chat-fiction format — presented as a text-messaging thread — with custom illustrations and a voiceover ‘reminiscent of 1940s radio dramas,’ according to Hooked. ‘Dark Matter’ is longer than Hooked’s usual fare: The pilot clocks in at about 4,700 words, with 32,000 words total for the series. Most Hooked chapters are around 1,000 words each.”