Major Gallery In Moscow Forced To Close After Hosting Benefit For Political Prisoners

“The prominent Russian art gallery owner Marat Guelman is being evicted from an exhibition space in Moscow after hosting a charity auction for political prisoners … Two days [after the event], Guelman was served with an eviction notice from the company that rents out the building housing his gallery at Moscow’s acclaimed Winzavod art center.”

How Safe Is Iran For Readers And Writers?

Ask Azar Nafisi, the woman who wrote “Reading Lolita in Tehran,” and she’ll tell you: “the truth of the matter is that the laws have remained the same, and there is no real security until there is real reform and real change. As you can tell from reading Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch, the human rights situation in Iran — the situation of journalists, writers, political prisoners — that also remains the same.”

Fort Worth Symphony Musicians Fight More Pay Cuts

FWSO president and CEO Amy Adkins, with the approval of the nonprofit’s board of directors, proposed cutting the concert season from 46 weeks to 43, decreasing artist fees for the Concerts in the Garden series by 25 percent, and eliminating three weeks of paid time off. The loss in wages would mean a nearly 23 percent loss in salary since 2010 once inflation is accounted for.