The AI Bot That’s Great At Writing Horror Fiction

“It turns out, machines can be pretty damn good at spinning up a tale of murder, dread, despair, and supernatural terror. At least one is—Shelley A.I., a horror-writing bot created by researchers at the MIT Media Lab, debuting just in time for Halloween this year. Named after Frankenstein author Mary Shelley, the little horror-author-that-could is a deep learning algorithm that reads stories published in terror-inducing /r/nosleep subreddit and trains itself to write its own horror fiction.”

Harvey Weinstein’s People Offered Rose McGowan A Million Dollars In Hush Money

The Scream and Charmed actor, now a multimedia artist with an intense following on Twitter, got the offer to sign a nondisclosure agreement mere days before the New Yorker and New York Times articles about Weinstein’s assaults came out. She says she countered with a request for $6 million, partly as “slow torture” for Weinstein, but she quickly withdrew the offer.

Making Dance Look Somewhat Realistic Onscreen

Basically? Hire a good choreographer, or two. “The critic in all of us gets particularly savage when watching a dance film or a musical. We demand great acting and exceptional dancing, seeking both to transport us. During this current resurgence of the musical genre, and as more dance-focussed films emerge, the choreographer has become central to many productions.”