New Audiences For Dance? Here’s How

“Just like American sports fans today who may fall in love with soccer, and cheer for a club based 5,000 miles away while ignoring the one in their own backyard, American ballet fans tomorrow are primed to subscribe to a ballet company that they will rarely, if ever, have the opportunity to see live, but can still enjoy through one of many different distribution channels.”

What Do Conductors Do, Really?

“In a more mundane way, we might think of conductors as the musical equivalent of sports team managers. You can’t quantify precisely what it is that they do – but you know it when you see it. … So what it is, exactly, that they do? Whether visibly or invisibly, consciously or unconsciously, here are some of the myriad things they get up to on that podium …”

Bookstore MFA

“At some point, it’s just you and the poems. You haven’t been told to read a poem, you haven’t been assigned a poem to critique, you haven’t been told a book’s really great, so you’re just picking up books that either speak to you or don’t. You’re just looking through book after book after book trying to find something engaging.”