Institutions Around The World Offer To Help Rebuild Brazilian National Museum’s Collections

“This month, UNESCO launched an emergency mission to help the museum assess the scale of the damage and guide efforts to revive the building and its collection. Cristina Menegazzi, the UNESCO officer in charge of the project, says the museum’s displays could be reassembled with similar items donated from other museums with comparable holdings. … The Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, the Royal British Columbia Museum, and the German, Italian, French, Swiss, Spanish, Argentine, Chinese, Portuguese and US embassies have pledged their support.” Indigenous communities have offered to make replacement items as well.

Big “Existential” Questions About That AI Art That Sold At Auction Last Week

Why has this become the working definition of “coming to auction”? Because, by and large, we’ve tacitly come to accept that market-leading gatekeepers are the sources that matter most in charting the history of the art market. And as the market becomes an increasingly powerful force in shaping public understanding, they also become (like it or not) the sources that matter most in charting the history of art itself.

A British Screenwriter Explains Why It’s Better To Be A Producer As Well

Basically, unless a screenwriter wants to let all creative control go, the answer is to produce as well as write. And, Karla Williams says, there’s bigger issue in British media: “My work means too much to simply give it away, and with most TV commissioners, execs and producers being white, middle class men, I would be giving my baby to carers who were not best equipped to feed, love and nurture her.”

A ‘Velvet Revolution’ — Alex Ross On Claude Debussy

“Debussy accomplished something that happens very rarely, and not in every lifetime: he brought a new kind of beauty into the world. … His influence proved to be vast, not only for successive waves of twentieth-century modernists but also in jazz, in popular song, and in Hollywood. When both the severe [Pierre] Boulez and the suave Duke Ellington cite you as a precursor, you have done something singular.”