How Does The Brain Perceive Time?

“One widely held theory suggests that a single brain region acts as a centralised timekeeper – possibly in the basal ganglia or cerebellum. However, a study now suggests that timekeeping is decentralised, with different circuits having their own timing mechanisms for each specific activity. The finding could help explain why certain brain conditions affect our sense of timing.”

Tehran Symphony, Iran’s Oldest Western Orchestra, Also Nearly Defunct

“Watching [the ensemble] from the front row in late August was Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in what was seen as an endorsement from the ruling theocracy … Just two months later, the musicians are out of work, funding has run dry and a nearly 80-year-old institution that survived wars, coups and the 1979 Islamic Revolution was declared Tuesday in an apparently irreversible ‘coma’ by media.”

Adapting China’s Great Revenge Tragedy For The RSC Stage

James Fenton: “The Orphan of Zhao, which I have been adapting for the RSC, survives in various versions, going back to what is no more than the lyrics for a set of arias whose music can only be guessed at. A play with songs, its earliest versions date back to the 13th century; the events it describes date back two millennia before that, between 800BC and 600BC.”

Enough With The Fourth Plinth Nonsense, Says UK National Gallery Director

“Nicholas Penny, the director of the National Gallery in London, has criticised the contemporary works that temporarily occupy the empty plinth in front of the gallery in Trafalgar Square as ‘antagonistic to the architectural character of the square’, turning the plinth into ‘a stage, which can be used ironically, farcically [and] inappropriately’.”