So Amazon Reviewers Are Being Paid In Swag (By The Companies Whose Products They Review?)

“Vine is an invitation-only club for the retail giant’s top customer reviewers–those whose advice has been rated the most helpful by other shoppers. Once invited, reviewers are allowed to choose twice monthly from a list of free products that Amazon hopes to bolster the sales of by generating more reviews.”

UK Theatres To Expand Scheme Of Disability- And Autism-Friendly Performances

“All eight venues that took part in the Relaxed Performance Pilot Project – in which shows were adapted for families with children who have autistic, sensory and communication needs or learning disabilities – have now adopted a policy to stage relaxed performances on a regular basis. Organisations including the National Theatre, the Unicorn Theatre and Ambassador Theatre Group have committed to at least one relaxed performance a year for each of their main productions.”