Why Live Cinemacasts Of Theatre Work So Much Better Than Mere DVDs

David Sabel, who runs the National Theatre’s NT Live: “The track record of filmed live performance is quite bad – the fear is that it becomes the antithesis of what the art form is. … The idea that you go along, get a piece of paper like a programme and hopefully watch with a sold-out crowd feels more akin to the DNA of theatre than staying at home and pausing while you go off to make a cup of tea.”

Damn! So It Was Post-Modernism That Killed The Avant Garde

“Marketing is now part of what artists do. They “play” with the market; their lifestyles and rebellions key into the corporate world. Art about art, art about money and value is now familiar. It was easy enough to walk around Damien Hirst’s big retrospective and see precisely the point at which the money becomes both subject and object.”

PBS’ “The News Hour” Has Lost 48 Percent Of Its Audience In Eight Years

Using the figures in my 2005 piece and the best Nielsen numbers I can confirm for 2013, the rate of decline for “ABC World News” the last eight years has been 16 percent, while “NBC Nightly News” has lost 17 percent of its audience. “CBS Evening News,” meanwhile, is down 22 percent. That’s an average of 18 percent for the three commercial nightly news shows.