Batsheva Dance Company Tries Out Cunningham/Cage-Style Indeterminacy

In Session, the dancers’ movement vocabulary comes from Ohad Naharin, their artistic director, and house choreographer Sharon Eyal, but the rules (such as they are) determining where they move and when are vrey much along the lines of an old Merce Cunningham-John Cage happening. (A DJ determines the music on the spot, without dancer input.)

Are Tourists Ruining The Sistine Chapel?

“Earlier this month, Italian literary critic Pietro Citati sparked a storm by writing an open letter in a major Italian newspaper denouncing the behaviour of crowds visiting what is technically a sacred place. Tourists, he said, “resemble drunken herds” as they unwittingly risked damaging the frescoes with their breath, their perspiration, the dust on their shoes and their body heat.”