Watching Sondheim Watch A New Musical

“It isn’t every day you spot the Almighty in the East Village, but on Tuesday I sat directly behind Stephen Sondheim, the reigning deity of musical theatre, at a performance of Fun Home … Engrossed as I was with the action onstage, it was impossible to watch without imagining it through Sondheim’s eyes. … But that’s because it’s often hard to watch any modern musical without considering his pervasive influence on the genre, as if Sondheim is perpetually perched in Row H of the artists’ minds.”

Why Students Cheat

“When a student sits down at a test, he knows how to cheat, in principle. But how does he decide whether or not he’ll actually do it? Is it logic? An impulse? A subconscious reaction to the adrenaline in his blood and the dopamine in his brain? People cheat all the time. But why, exactly, do they decide to do it in the first place?” Maria Konnikova goes looking for some answers.