The Exquisite Improvisatory Dance Between Silent Movies And Live Musicians

The combination of extemporaneous performance and preëxisting art form enacts a trust across time and space. In the heyday of silent pictures, filmmakers expected that their movies would be scored by a live musician, and thus silent films have always been a sort of incomplete form, waiting patiently for the act of creation to happen anew each time the film is shown. – The New Yorker

The Art World’s Most Lucrative Prize Goes To Colombian Artist Doris Salcedo

The Nomura Award is in its inaugural year, and it gives $1 million to a living artist. Salcedo won “for her body of work produced over the last 25 years, which has focused on the human cost of the conflict between successive governments and rebel groups in Colombia” and has included melting weapons from 7,000 former fighters into tiles for an exhibition space in Bogotá. – The New York Times

As Netflix Expands Into More Countries, It Has To Deal With Those Countries’ Mores — And Censors

“[The company’s] 2018 annual report lists both ‘censorship’ and ‘the need to adapt our content and users interfaces for specific cultural and language differences’ as business risks. But as its subscriber growth in the United States stalls, the firm needs to keep growing significantly overseas in order to keep investors happy and stave off the competition from services like Apple TV Plus and HBO Max.” Reporter Alex Marshall looks at how these issues are playing out so far in India and Turkey. – The New York Times