How Music Influenced Art (Or Is It The Other Way Around?)

“It is tempting to see a connection between the breakdown of old styles in music and the visual arts from the mid-to-late 19th century onwards. Were the impressionistic works of Monet and Debussy both expressions of the same spirit? Were Matisse’s “jazz” cut-out pictures of the mid-20th century linked to the postwar bebop revolution?”

Why Do People Want To Hear The Really Terrible Orchestra?

“What has become the world’s most famous amateur orchestra is about to perform in London. The Cadogan Hall is the site of this imminent musical disaster, and all 800 tickets vanished in a trice. Which makes one wonder: what is it that makes people want to listen to a group of extremely bad musicians torturing a piece that most of them cannot play? Is there something about failure and its cheerful acceptance?”

The Digital Elephant In The Room

“Every Hollywood studio has a different way of measuring what its digital business is, with Walt Disney Co. right now touting fairly loudly its successes in this area and NBC among those suggesting that the coin is fairly negligible. For their part, analysts in the digital sector are increasingly hinting that the growth in the biz is anything but straight up. Some even hazard that consumers may not for years feel comfortable ditching their DVDs in favor of Internet-delivered movies and TV shows.”