Out Of The Closet – Art Institute Makes Huge Loan

Chicago’s Art Institute is renovating galleries. But instead of packing away some of its most important paintings, it will loan them to Fort Worth’s Kimbell Museum. “All the pieces — which range from 26 Claude Monets and 12 Renoirs to seven Paul Gauguins, seven Paul Cezannes and six works by Edgar Degas — previously had been loaned to other institutions. But never before have so many works central to the museum’s most famous collection (several from the institute’s earliest and largest bequests) left the museum at once.”

Hollywood Writers Rally Round Strike

“Thursday night’s rally of about 3,000 film and TV writers occurred a day after talks with their employers broke down amid disputes over DVD residuals and pay for programs distributed over the Internet. The writers’ employment agreement expired at midnight Wednesday. The union’s board of directors is set to formally ratify the strike plans at a 10 a.m. meeting today .”

Adapting The War (Difficult)

“When studios adapt books into films, there is always a risk: No matter how compelling a literary property may be, producers must find financing, create a high-quality film and succeed at the box office. Yet all these hurdles loom even larger when it comes to adapting for the screen books about the Iraq war — and there are already many, including more than 40 being published just this fall.”