Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s ‘Half Of A Yellow Sun’ Named Best Women’s Prize For Fiction Winner Of The Decade

“Pitted against nine other titles – from Zadie Smith’s On Beauty to Eimear McBride’s A Girl Is a Half-formed Thing – Adichie’s novel of the Biafran war … has been named the best winner of the [Baileys] women’s prize for fiction of the last decade – by both the public and a 10-strong judging panel.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 11.02.15

From Vaudeville to the Streets
Eleven dancers take the stage at NYU Skirball Center in Donald Byrd’s The Minstrel Show Revisited. They’re strutting, prancing, raising white-gloved hands. How come I don’t recognize any faces? I can hardly tell which are women and which are men. … read more
AJBlog: Dancebeat Published 2015-11-02

More by Mustill: A Smokin’ Victorian and an ‘EVENT’
Finding lost and uncollected artworks by the late Norman O. Mustill has been a continuing project here. An old friend of his, Kurt Wold, recently … read more
AJBlog: Straight|Up Published 2015-11-02

Dreams so real
Paul Hindemith once called America “the land of limited impossibilities.” My own life has been a string of increasingly extreme improbabilities, and every once in a while something happens that cause me to stop dead in my tracks and reflect on just how improbable certain of them have been. … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2015-11-02

A Day to Forget
I love Paris. I have visited this city more than thirty times over the last sixty years, and I will continue to love it even after today. I have a warning, however, that might alert … read more
AJBlog: OperaSleuth Published 2015-11-02


Is It OK To Use Music As A Primary Way To Regulate Your Mood?

“Studies like this emphasize how particular our engagement with music can be. In the past, entire genres like punk or heavy metal were accused of being inherently damaging to adolescents’ mental health. The reality is likely much more complicated. Some may seek out Metallica’s rapid riffs and screeching guitars to gain solace; others may vent anger through Mozart.”

Yes, Tourists Should Darn Well Pay To Visit UK Museums

“It is ludicrous that visitors who are paying tour operators, airlines and hotels, pay nothing to Britain’s museums and art galleries. When you visit a museum as part of a tour party, you are imposing on others. The arrival of a large crowd in front of a museum treasure is disruptive for other visitors. A group can effectively take over an entire room of a museum while the guide gives a lecture. The least you can do, if you visit a museum in this way, is pay entrance fees.”