Photos Of A Community That Rarely Gets Seen In The Galleries, Thanks To Pacific Standard Time

Photographer Laura Aguilar says the project, photographing the working-class Latina butches and femmes who went to the Plush Pony bar, “didn’t get off to the best start. She offered to photograph the women for free and give them pictures in exchange for their time, but everyone reacted suspiciously. “‘They were like, ‘Who is this person who wants to take our picture for free?’’ she recalls. ‘So I said, ‘OK, five bucks.’ And then they said, ‘OK.’'”

The New Republic’s Publisher Resigns Following More Claims Of Inappropriate Conduct

Hamilton Fish wrote, “It’s my sense that our office culture has been harmed, and the best way for me to help the organization move past this is by withdrawing. … Women have longstanding and profound concerns with respect to their treatment in the workplace. Many men have a lot to learn in this regard. I know I do.” An investigation is ongoing.

Will The Opening Of This Gaudí House Lead A Tourism Resurgence In Barcelona?

Not that tourism is down a ton – 15% from last year – considering the independence referendum, anti-tourist demonstrations, and a terrorist attack, but still: When the first house Gaudí designed opens in a couple of weeks, it could be big. “Like much of the architect’s work, it is a glorious gallimaufry of styles, combining Japanese, Moorish-revival and original elements into an improbable success.”

Yayoi Kusama’s Path To Polka-Dotted Greatness

Yes, people like their selfies in Infinity Rooms (and that’s fine), but she’s more than that – and not stopping. “Now 88, Ms. Kusama works nonstop and, if you’re wondering, does all the painting herself, save for a ground color applied by assistants. Recently she shifted her workweek from five days to six, saving Sunday for writing, reading, talking on the phone and making smaller paintings.”

Time – Perhaps Past Time – For A New Film Canon, Chosen By Women

So very much past time: “This is an all-pervasive problem. It is about how boys are hailed as geniuses and girls are not. It is about how men get given big-budget blockbusters to direct and women don’t. It is about how men get their plays on Broadway and women don’t. It is about how most of the critics are men. It is about how nearly all the talking heads on TV are men. And it is a vicious circle.” So, here’s a start of a new canon.

The Royal Court Has A 30-Point Plan To Address Sexual Harassment In Theatre

In the wake of many, many allegations (including those about Kevin Spacey when he was at the Old Vic), the plan is quite strong. “Royal Court artistic director Vicky Featherstone said her organisation would be adopting the code of behaviour immediately and it represented the ‘beginning’ of an industry-wide conversation about how to bring about lasting change.”

The Nation’s First Youth Poet Laureate Was Inspired By Malala

Amanda Gorman, now 19, was inspired a few years ago by hearing a speech by Malala Yousafzai. What’s she doing now, aside from attending Harvard? “Between courses in sociology and her laureate obligations, she continues to lead One Pen One Page, an organization she founded in 2016 that provides platforms ‘for student storytellers to change the world.’ She is also putting the final touches on She the People, an experiential virtual reality project that seeks to empower teenager girls.”

German Artist Hito Steyerl Is The First Woman To Top Art Power List

The list of the top 100 most powerful in the art world is put out by ArtReview, whose international editor said, “The way she works, not just her actual work but the way she runs her studio, is an influence and an inspiration to many younger artists. She looks to disrupt power networks that you can probably see run through the Power 100 and run though the art world.”

Director Dee Rees Used Her Grandmother’s Journal As Inspiration For The New Movie ‘Mudbound’

The journal that Ernestine Smith kept in the mid-1900s, including the WWII years, inspired Rees and her screenwriter, thanks to its many details. “In its hundreds of pages is everything from family photos of their slave ancestors to the names, ranks and medals of relatives who fought in wars, to floorplans of Smith’s childhood homes.”

The Invention And Reinvention, And Re-Reinvention, Of Prince (By The Artist Himself)

The man knew how to create a look, a sound, a … well, everything: “With each album he released, Prince transformed his visual identity. The pompadoured rock god of Purple Rain, for example, was followed by the beatific flower child of Around the World in a Day and the louche sensualist of Parade. Each record carefully maintained its own distinctive color scheme, most obviously with Purple Rain, but also with the peach-and-black palette of Sign o’ the Times and the black, white and red of Lovesexy.”