Musician Stephen Morris Left His Priceless Violin On The Train

That was October 22, and the train was in southeast London. The soloist from the Royal Phil eventually received a private message on Twitter from someone who said he recognized (from a security photo) the man who took the case, with the violin and a couple of special bows as well, off the train. And then? “Both the violin and the bows were ‘in tune,’ when they were returned to him Friday night at a supermarket parking lot in Beckenham.” – The New York Times

As Developers Buy The Setting Of James Joyce’s Greatest Short Story, Dublin Mourns

The place that Dubliners call the House of the Dead (really, the House of “The Dead,” of course) has been sold. “Last week city authorities announced a plan to turn the House of the Dead into a 54-room hostel, prompting an outcry that property deals were trashing culture and zombifying Ireland’s capital to make way for foreign tourists, students and tech workers.” – The Observer (UK)