Art As “Permanent Accusation”

“Fernando Botero, whose Abu Ghraib pictures will be on view at American University starting this week, read about the torturers of Abu Ghraib in the New Yorker, and made his own record of the horrors. He did not invent anything that was not described, but because he is an artist, we feel the terror of the tortured rather than the gloating of the torturers — so present in the photographs they took of themselves at play in the blood of others.”

Waiting For The Big Bust

“After three years of speculation about a bust, will this be the moment when the art market finally crumbles? Auction house experts who have spent the last six months mapping out the sales say the business-getting season fell into two distinct chapters: before the subprime mortgage crisis struck in August, and after.”

Russia’s Greatest Orchestra?

The St. Petersburg Philharmonic. It has presented “the world premiere of Beethoven’s mighty ‘Missa Solemnis’ in 1824. The orchestra also premiered works by such iconic 19th century Russian composers as Borodin, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Glazunov. And the tradition continued into the 20th century.”