Reading – Loving You To Bytes

“It’s an old and reassuring story: bookish boy or girl enters the cool, dark library and discovers loneliness and freedom. For the past ten years or so, however, the cities of the book have been anything but quiet. The computer and the Internet have transformed reading more dramatically than any technology since the printing press, and for the past five years Google has been at work on an ambitious project, Google Book Search.”

Is Philip Glass Underrated? Or Overrated?

“Philip Glass is without a doubt America’s most famous living composer of classical music… Yet Glass’s seventieth birthday, which fell on January 31st of this year, failed to create much hullabaloo in the ordinarily anniversary-addicted classical world.” The problem may be that Glass’s prolific catalog includes as many clunkers as masterpieces, and much of his output does have a tendency to sound the same. “Certainly, no one can deny that Glass possesses an instantly recognizable signature sound; the question now is whether that signature is being produced by automatic pen.”