The German TV Talk Show That Traumatizes American Celebrities

“Not only does the 33-year-old Wetten, dass …? seem to confirm a lot of the world’s less generous stereotypes of Germans – e.g. humorless, weird, with terrible taste in formalwear – its concept is also awkwardly difficult to explain. … The concept: Invite a mixture of German and Hollywood celebrities onto a live stage, interview them, and then make them wager whether a number of ordinary Germans can complete a series of stunts.” And those stunts can be positively bizarre.

Chili Kamikazes: Doomed Orchestra Eats Ghost Peppers While Playing; Video Goes Viral

“In a ‘Jackass goes classical” video, the musicians [of the Danish National Chamber Orchestra] pause after the famously histrionic opening bars of Jacob Gade’s Tango Jalousie to pop the outrageously fiery peppers into their mouths. … Quite why they agreed to the painful challenge is unclear although the fact the orchestra is being disbanded this month after 75 years may have been a factor.”

More Arts Funding For The Provinces? Why, That’s Just “Glib London-Bashing” (Sh** Boris Johnson Says)

Quoth the Lord Mayor: “London is one of the great world cities for culture, attracting visitors in the millions which helps generate billions the economy of the whole country. Sacrificing this particular golden goose for a bit of glib London-bashing will do little to improve cultural provision in the regions and would be an act of sabotage for one of our country’s greatest assets.”