The Painful Conundrum Of Agnes De Mille – And How She Solved It

Joan Acocella: “What we have here is a painful combination: her sense that she was without beauty, her sense that she could not make the kind of ballets she most valued, her sense that what she did was just a substitute for something else, something more longed-for, which, inexplicably, other people had and she didn’t. Add to this that, however inferior she felt to other people, she also, much of the time, felt superior to other people, and you have an ugly little knot. Which, somehow, relaxed when she picked up a pen.”

Behind The Scenes With The Showrunner Of The New Ballet Drama ‘Flesh And Bone’

Moira Walley-Beckett: “They [the young dancers in the cast] called me Mama Moira. It was a huge priority for me. Because I’ve been there, and I know what it’s like, and I know that they’re all secretly imploding. For most of them, it was the first time they’d been under these kinds of pressures. … It was really important to me to try to keep them safe in every way that I could.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 11.05.15

What is Audience Engagement? (Part 3)
This is SUCH a great thought-provoking conversation, I’m thrilled for it to continue… Again, delighted (and grateful) to share the wisdom of respected friends and colleagues on the question: What is the meaning of the word “engagement”?  And how does an arts organization know if it is succeeding? … read more
AJBlog: Audience Wanted Published 2015-11-05

Noticing and judging
One of the attributes we recognize and admire in great artists, curators, and other professionals is how quickly and decisively they assess the world around them. They see almost immediately whether an action, object, or direction is ‘right’ or ‘aligned’ with some larger vision. … read more
AJBlog: The Artful Manager Published 2015-11-05

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker Fest in Los Angeles
Resistance is futile: There is no way to rank or prioritize all the myriad events occurring next week during the epic choreographic & performance feast by Belgium-based choreographer Anne Theresa de Keersmaeker and her company Rosas at CAP UCLA … read more
AJBlog: Fresh Pencil Published 2015-11-04

Weekend Listening Tip: An Earshot Potpourri
In Seattle, the Earshot Festival is easing into the penultimate weekend of its six-week run. On Sunday, Jim Wilke, the veteran broadcast chronicler of jazz in the region, will present some of the musicians still … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-11-06

Recent Listening: Lennie Tristano
Lennie Tristano, including The New Tristano (Atlantic/Rhino) Researching notes for the forthcoming Don Friedman album discussed in this post a couple of weeks ago led me to revisit the original Lennie Tristano recording of “Requiem.” … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-11-05
