What Music Do You Most Want To Hear On Your Deathbed?

“Music therapists often recommend songs with a personal association: the first dance from the patient’s wedding, a song their mother used to hum. When Joey Ramone left us in 2001, he was listening to U2’s In a Little While. A professional psychic in Florida has provided a list of songs “people seem to universally enjoy”. They range from Celine Dion to Enya to Susan Boyle – so it might also be worth specifying what music you don’t want to hear on your deathbed.”

In Japan, You Can Hire Actors To Pretend To Be Your Friends Or Family

“[Ishii Yuichi’s] 8-year-old company, Family Romance, provides professional actors to fill any role in the personal lives of clients. With a burgeoning staff of 800 or so actors, ranging from infants to the elderly, the organization prides itself on being able to provide a surrogate for almost any conceivable situation.” Yuichi talks with journalist Roc Morin about what professionally pretending to be someone’s father or bridegroom is like and why Japanese people use – and need – the service.

Here’s Pakistan’s Martha Stewart (Only More Famous)

“Zubaida Aapa – the Urdu honorific for elder sister- is a homemaker, turned TV star, turned domestic goddess, and the closest thing Pakistan has to Martha Stewart, but with Stewart’s fame dialed up to 11. Since the nineties, … [Zubaida] Tariq has taught generations of homemakers how to raise their children, clean their homes, and make parathas. She has authored at least six cookbooks, doled out countless home remedies (totkas in Urdu) for kitchen, home, and child, and left satire in the wake of her outsize celebrity.”

David Hallberg On His Struggle With Perfectionism

“As a young dancer, when approaching a step or lift or turn I deemed hard, I would say to myself, Don’t [expletive] this up. … At times I wondered if it was a form of superstition, that the very act of thinking Don’t [expletive] this up would protect me from any and all regrettable mistakes. But I had come to realize that the common thread among the disparate artists I admire most is that they do not protect themselves at all.” An excerpt from his new memoir.

Court OKs Berkshire Museum’s Sale Of Art

“Judge John Agostini ruled that plaintiffs in two civil actions, and the state Attorney General’s Office itself, failed to make their cases to halt a large-scale deaccession by the museum. The judge is unsparing in his view that the Attorney General’s Office conducted an anemic review of the art sale after it was notified about it by the museum in June.”