“In many discussions about art, class is often the elephant in the room… There seems to be a lot of hand-wringing about access to the arts. [But] who are these schemes trying to attract?” More importantly, once the supposedly disenfranchised are attracted, what makes anyone think they would have any interest, having been denied any real sort of art education previously?
Tag: 11.08.06
Selling To Buy In Seattle
The Seattle Art Museum is “aggressively pruning its American collection in the hopes that clearing out the weeds will make way (dollars-wise, that is) for better, bigger purchases… Obviously, the museum believes it can make headway in the department of cheaper and more available American art. Is that true? And does SAM have its eyes on a particular prize? The museum isn’t saying.”
Tim Rice – Root Of All Evil?
So Tim Rice thinks the new generation of musicals is lacking. “Indeed, Shaftesbury Avenue is so stuffed with nostalgic revivals, Disney spectaculars and ropey rock compilation shows that one is inclined to agree with him. Except, you have to wonder if Rice isn’t at least partially responsible for them all.”
What Is It About Evil Women On The Stage?
“In theatre, it sometimes seems that the only way women can escape their gender roles and the terrible burden of femininity is by plunging a knife into a male breast or taking aim with a gun and making damn sure they don’t miss.”
Time Warner Pulling Out Of Chinese Theatre Deal
“Warner Brothers International cinemas operates six cinemas with local partners and had planned to expand that to about 30, encouraged by a 2003 policy letting foreign investors hold up to 75 percent of cinema ventures in selected cities.”
Portrait Of A Chicago Arts Exec (Female And White)
“The Illinois Arts Alliance estimates that nearly 70 percent of Chicago-area arts organizations have female administrators (executive director or equivalent positions), based on an admittedly unscientific 2003 survey. ‘It’s a field that is predominantly female and predominantly white’.”
An Opera Cheesecake Calendar
Chicago’s OperaMode is making one of opera divas. “Some singers declined, fearing the exposure would harm their budding careers. Others stuck out more than their necks. Within a couple of weeks, OperaModa had 40 applicants for 13 slots.”
Lam Wins Giller
Vincent Lam, a Toronto East General doctor who wrote a collection of short stories called Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures, wins Canada’s Giller Prize. “My parents came to this country when multiculturalism was just beginning to be acknowledged. As their son and as the second generation, I am proud to be here.”
Investing In A ROM Story
How do you get a big donor to step up and invest in your museum’s story? You appeal to his interests. That’s what the Royal Ontario Museum did, and it paid off big yesterday.
Google Gets Into Newspapers, Radio Ads
After announcing it would start offering ways to buy ads in newspapers, Google says it’s also getting into the radio ad busines. “Google is generally testing its ability to move into offline media, saying this week that it would help customers buy advertisements in 50 U.S. newspapers.”