How Do You Train For A 24-Hour Musical Theatre Marathon?

“Each decade gets an hour, an outfit, and ten songs (give or take), which were popular among the specific segment of America that Mac has focused on for that span: ‘90’s alternative lesbians, say, or turn-of-the-century Jewish immigrants. It is a queer, feminist, anti-racist version of American history, and judy (Mac’s stage gender pronoun) tells it with sequins, balloons, and plastic toys.”

Two Of The Greatest Male Dancers, Retired And Now Reunited … On TV

“It’s really not a documentary. That said, there are elements of truth. Ethan has said before, which I’ll steal, there are these personalities in the dance world, and on this show they’re kind of all in one room (laughs). And as long as there was some dance shown, that’s one way to reassure ourselves that we’re engaging in a worthwhile endeavor.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs For 11.08.15

An Ancient Dance Play Meets New Music
Wendy Whelan and Jock Soto dance together again in a new approach to a Noh play. Wendy Whelan and puppeteers Leah Hofmann and Rowan Magee in Hagoromo. Photo: Julieta Cervantes It is a marvelous robe!… … read more
AJBlog: DancebeatPublished 2015-11-07


Increasing the Capitalization of Creativity

I am disturbed by the sheer amount of waste in the theater. I don’t mean wasted wood or fabric – although there is a helluva lot of that, too – I mean the waste of… … read more
AJBlog: Creative InsubordinationPublished 2015-11-06
What is Audience Engagement? (Part 3)
This is SUCH a great thought-provoking conversation, I’m thrilled for it to continue… Again, delighted (and grateful) to share the wisdom of respected friends and colleagues on the question: What is the meaning of the… … read more
AJBlog: Audience WantedPublished 2015-11-05
Noticing and judging
One of the attributes we recognize and admire in great artists, curators, and other professionals is how quickly and decisively they assess the world around them. They see almost immediately whether an action, object, or… … read more
AJBlog: The Artful ManagerPublished 2015-11-05