Grammy Organization Is Raising Millions For Music Ed In Three Big-City School Systems

“The Grammy Music Education Coalition has launched a fund-raising initiative aimed at benefiting music programs in the school districts of Philadelphia, New York City, and Nashville. … GMEC hopes to raise $5 million over three years for Philadelphia, with that money going toward both the district as well as programs run by partner education and outreach organizations.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 11.08.17

Trusty Rusty: Powell to Retire from Longtime Gig at National Gallery
It’s entirely in keeping with Rusty Powell‘s self-effacing nature that the National Gallery’s homepage today is all about the art, with no hint of its big news: The museum’s longest-serving director, who assumed that post … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2017-11-08

Camerata Pacifica and Chamber Music in SoCal
Recently I’ve enjoyed a performance by the chamber group Camerata Pacifica and several conversations with its founder, Adrian Spence. I disagree with the cheeky Ulsterman on some points – I am in some ways … read more
AJBlog: CultureCrash Published 2017-11-08

Macron Magic: My Storify of Louvre Abu Dhabi’s Aborted Livestream of Opening Ceremonies
I wasn’t invited to the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s opening ceremonies today (no surprise), but I did get an emailed invitation to watch them livestreamed on the museum’s Facebook page. Below is my tweeted account of … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2017-11-08


Is Ireland Trying To Eliminate One Of Its Orchestras By Attrition?

RTÉ, the national broadcaster, has let 20 positions in its two ensembles – the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra and the RTÉ Concert Orchestra – remain vacant, and sources say one in five posts will be unfilled by next summer. Critic Michael Dervan is one of many observers wondering if the RTÉ is trying to merge its orchestras without admitting to it.