What Does It Take To Run A Theatre?

“Successful theatre companies are almost always run by talented, charismatic individuals. Whatever their primary theatrical talent, their skill is in creating an environment where writers, directors, actors, designers and technicians can do their best work. To limit the pool from which these leaders might be chosen to writers, directors or actors is to miss that crucial point.”

Nederlander Buys Live Nationa’s Chicago Theatres

“The relatively high price of Nederlander’s purchase — coming hot on the heels of the deal by Madison Square Garden Entertainment to buy the Chicago Theatre — appears to reflect both the growing value of Chicago’s downtown entertainment venues and Nederlander’s wish to remain in full control of an increasingly buoyant market for Broadway shows.”

Investors Sound Alarm Bells After Sotheby’s Auction

“After 11 years of steep growth in the value of fine art, the drop in Sotheby’s stock by about 37% in the course of one day sounded alarm bells. Analysts were particularly struck by the fact that Vincent van Gogh’s landscape, Wheat Fields, possibly his last finished work, painted in 1890 two weeks before he committed suicide, was left unsold; Sotheby’s had valued it at up to $35m (£17.5m).”