Boston Lyric Opera’s New Leader Outlines Her Vision

“I think we’re ready to expand in what we offer to our public, and I think that it makes a lot of sense to look at what we’re doing from a broader, grander, and more holistic viewpoint… I would like to see us branch out and add concerts, vocal recitals, performances of large choral works or oratorios, and seminar series that shed light on the multiple aspects of creativity connected to a particular opera.”

Facing The Virtual Music

The effect of the Internet on local bookstores has been well-documented, but less talked about has been the dwindling number of brick-and-mortar sheet music vendors. “Sheet music might be a nearly $600-million-a-year business in the U.S., enjoying a largely steady 2% to 3% growth rate over the past decade, but sales at [many local stores] have fallen off the charts.”