Cowardice – What Exactly Is It?

Perhaps no quality has been more reviled and scorned but less clearly defined. Fear is often useful, after all, and most writers who approach the subject of cowardice wind up writing about its opposite, courage, instead. Chris Walsh looks at the factor that seems to make the difference.

A Typeface Designed To Help Dyslexics Read

Designer Christian Boer (who is himself dyslexic): “When they’re reading, people with dyslexia often unconsciously switch, rotate and mirror letters in their minds. Traditional typefaces make this worse, because they base some letter designs on others, inadvertently creating ‘twin letters’ for people with dyslexia.”

The Gallery In The Button Shop

“Artists also seem attracted to the button-shop concept: That an industrial workshop could house art, and that an aspiring gallerist works side-by-side with her father. The artists who display their work with Ms. Li see the space as a rare opportunity, to show artwork in a heavily trafficked neighborhood and in a shop with a unique sense of New York City’s history.”

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