Norman Mailer – Louis Menand Remembers

“He was a slugger. He swung at everything, and when he missed he missed by a mile and sometimes ended up on his tush, but when he connected he usually knocked it out of the park. He was immodest about his failures and modest about his successes, which is a healthy trait for a writer and probably a healthy trait for life. He left a huge footprint on American letters.”

First Word On Ray Charles Bio-Musical

Playwright Suzan-Lori Parks “hasn’t decided what her story’s central theme should be. Is it Ray’s redemption through music? The necessity of personal pain as a motivator for great art? The power of music to overcome racism and other ills? All of these issues are melded into Parks’ script, but they don’t form a synthesis. The show comes off as a leisurely catalog-survey through Ray Charles’ life and career, fitfully fascinating but without a through-line.”

Canadians Go On A Book-Price Rampage

Books in Canada carry two prices on their covers – an American price and a Canadian price (always higher). “Book rage, anyone? As the Canadian dollar hit the $1.10 mark earlier this week, booksellers and publishers began to circulate stories of customers going beyond simply venting their dismay at hapless clerks and turning books into projectiles, sometimes to the point of drawing blood.”