Tim Page’s Bad Day

The Washington Post’s longtime classical music critic and Pulitzer-winner got one too many spam emails. Irritated, he fired back at a flack from city councilman Marion Barry, demanding to be taken off the councilman’s email list. “Must we hear about it every time this Crack Addict attempts to rehabilitate himself with some new – and typically half witted – political grandstanding?”

The Uncompromising Kurtag

“A strange, uncanny force seemed to loom behind each bar, as if the notes on the page were pinholes burning with light from a place unseen. This curious power is an essential quality of the stripped-down, urgent art of Gyorgy Kurtag. He writes music of extreme concentration and searing existential honesty. Each piece costs him dearly.”

Norman Mailer – The Force Of Personality

“In the late `60s, that personality made him the most vivid presence on the American literary scene, an outspoken, two-fisted, eloquent, occasionally profound commentator on an America shaken by war, riots and assassination. In later years his notoriety dimmed – he was a novelist destined never to write a great novel, an apocalyptic visionary whose apocalypse never arrived.”