The End Of The Hit Movie Song

It seems there’s just no room on the pop charts any more for original movie songs that make the hit charts. “Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” rap from the 2002 film “8 Mile” is the rare recent Oscar winner that’s also had radio success — as catchy as “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp” was from 2005’s “Hustle & Flow,” it wasn’t exactly radio-friendly.”

Hartford’s Atheneum At A Crossroads

“The Wadsworth as it existed under Austin is never coming back because Hartford as it existed when Chick Austin was here is never coming back. Efforts can be made to turn the city and the museum into something new. Something that is vital and alive but it won’t be what it was when, as has been breathlessly recounted, Gertrude Stein was hanging out with Chick.”

NBC: It Ain’t Easy Being Green

“It was NBC Universal’s ‘green week,’ in which almost every prime-time show was mandated by Chief Executive Jeff Zucker to include some sort of environmental theme. Unfortunately — or perhaps this was expertly plotted by sinister Big Media — the green initiative was completely overshadowed by the long-anticipated writers strike. Whoops!”